The last time we were together we started talking about the first of three signs Moses was given at the burning bush, what it meant, and how Jesus’ first miracle was a demonstration of this first sign. Today we are going to take a look at the second sign Yawheh gave Moses.
Moses and Leprosy
We read in Exodus 4:6-7 (ESV) what the next sign Yahweh gave to Moses to show the authority and power that was given to him, “Again, the Lord said to him, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” And he put his hand inside his cloak, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous like snow. Then God said, “Put your hand back inside your cloak.” So he put his hand back inside his cloak, and when he took it out, behold, it was restored like the rest of his flesh.”
What The Leprosy Symbolized
At the conference we were at a few weeks ago, the teacher told us that God was showing Moses his heart condition. You see Moses put his hand inside his cloak, and as a result his hand was over his physical heart. When he pulled it out, his physical hand showed the condition of his spiritual heart. It’s clear Moses didn’t yet believe God when he declared who he created Moses to be. Moses didn’t believe he was the right guy to lead God’s people. In fact he had about a million reasons why he was the wrong guy to lead God’s people. This lack of faith diseased his heart. However, when Moses put his hand inside his cloak the second time he pulled out a healed hand. Here God was showing Moses his future heart condition. Moses would eventually believe God appointed him as the leader of his people. Moses’ heart would become so clean he would be able to talk to God face to face.
I’ve Doubted God Too
Have you ever felt like you weren’t the best choice? Perhaps you felt like you were the best choice only to be shown you weren’t. I’ve recently had this happen to me. I told you the story a few weeks ago about my new job opportunity. Now let me tell you the rest of the story.
My youngest daughter spent the weekend with our friend who was also going to be my boss when we went to the conference. On Sunday night when we picked her up, my friend informed me that the corporate office wanted her to interview another lady for my job. My friend was upset that she was forced to do this, as she and I both knew I was the person God reserved for this position. We had everything ready to go. I had done my interview with corporate, we decorated my office, and everything was ready for me to start as soon as possible. As we were leaving that night, the Lord prompted me to go back and tell my friend if for some reason God really intended for this other lady to have this position, she has my blessing.
Monday night my friend sent me a text that essentially said she was so confused. She really didn’t want to like this woman, but she did. The interview apparently went very well. She needed to pray about who to hire. I told her to go pray, and I would do the same. As I was praying about this job, I heard the Lord say, “If you want this job, just ask and it’s yours.” I replied, “I only want this job if it’s in the scroll for this company and if it’s in my scroll. I want whatever you have written for this company and for me to happen.”
The next morning my friend called. She told me she was up all night praying, and she felt strongly she needed to hire the other woman. I could hear undertones of fear that I would be angry with her. I told her I would come in later that day so we could talk, and return the key to the office to her. As I was driving to go talk to her, I asked the Lord for some uninterrupted time. He gave us about 30 minutes. We talked, and I told her what the Lord told me as well as my response. She said she didn’t understand all this but she just kept hearing the Lord tell her he has something bigger and better for me. Something she didn’t know is before I ever said yes to this position the Lord gave me a vision of me going over a bridge. I felt like he told me this job is a bridge to something bigger and better. I never told her about my vision so this gave me confirmation.
At the end of the conversation she revealed that someone scolded her for taking this job away from me. He said things like she was “going to take food away from my kids’ mouths,” and she shouldn’t “promise something just to take it away.” I looked at her and reminded her that God is our provider, not a job. I also told her I want only God’s best for her and her business, and if I’m not the best then I don’t want the job. We left with lunch on the calendar and a smile.
I was sure I was the right person for this job. God had clearly told me, my family, and my friend I was his pick. Yet in the end I was not the right person. Sometimes, like Moses, God calls us to do things or be things we can’t imagine ourselves being. Other times we think we should be called to do or be something, only to discover he has bigger and better plans for us!
It’s A Heart Matter
Moses’ heart was unclean before God. Only God could clean his heart, just as only God could make his hand come out clean the second time. God was showing Moses both his current condition and his future condition. Moses needed to see his heart condition so he could surrender fully to the plan of God and become the man God created him to be. Of course this still took time, but it was a start.
Perhaps we all should ask God to show us our heart condition. How else will we know if we have a sick heart unless God first reveals it to us?
Jesus Heals The Man With Leprosy
One of the first miracles Jesus performed was the cleansing of the leper in Mark 1:40-42 (ESV), “And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.”
Here Jesus is not just cleansing a diseased heart but a diseased man’s whole physical body.
Did Jesus Sin?
I recently heard a pastor (Brett) explain in the previous covenant that if someone who was clean touched someone who was unclean, they not only became unclean as well, but that action was actually considered a sin. So we see Jesus touching the unclean man. Did he sin? No. What actually happened is Jesus took his own cleanness and imparted that to the man who was unclean. It was the same as what he did on the cross when he took my sin and your sin and in exchange made us clean and sinless. The man was made clean before Jesus ever touched the man. Therefore, Jesus did not sin as he never touched the man while he was considered unclean.
What Needs A Touch From God In Your Life?
The good news is Jesus is still in the business of healing! He has the power to not only heal you spiritually but physically as well. Remember what Jesus said, ”...For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 (ESV)
We must pray with faith. When we pray with faith, we will pave the way for Jesus to come in and do the healing, be it physical or spiritual. I recently heard a teacher say it is our job to pray with faith, and it’s God's job to do the healing. We pray with faith (the evidence of things not seen) and expect God to move, even if we don’t see immediate results. What needs a healing touch in your life? Pray and expect God to hear your prayer and answer it. Then watch as Jesus comes in and does a great work in your life!
Next time we are going to look at the final sign Yahweh gave to Moses and see how Jesus did a miracle to demonstrate that sign. I hope you will join me!